Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jade and I

This week my granddaughter Jade is staying with us. She is 10 years old and a very smart, beautiful, and loved child. Her idea of a quest is somewhat different than mine, but I thought I would share our recent adventures.
Inside the Excalibur hotel is a arcade called Fun Dungeon and Jade loves to go there. It  has  the usual games such as ski ball, basketball, laser tag, horse racing, claw machines, pole fishing, ring toss, etc. We predetermine what she is able to spend, and she shops around for the games where she thinks she will be able to garner the most tickets. The tickets are the focus of her activities. If she is successful at a game, she stays and plays a few more times.  If the tickets aren’t coming, she moves on to something new.
Of course, the prizes purchased with these tickets are not commensurate with the amount of money it requires to earn them. Adults and children are somewhat disappointed by the selection of Items they can “afford”. But jade is a good sport and cashes in her 166 tickets for some “Big Eyes Girl” hair accessories, a bracelet, and a wand. She also won a stuffed bear at the pole fishing booth, and a plastic “highlight yellow” cup at laser tag. She had her picture taken next to Sponge Bob with all her prizes, then next to the two games where she won the most tickets.
Another place we visited was the Chinese restaurant near our house. It is quaint and quiet and the food is tasty. The staff is friendly and Jade and I had a leisurely lunch. We enjoyed doing what has become a favorite hobby of ours, money origami. We each folded currency into pants, a shirt, a butterfly, and a heart that has a flower in the middle. The ladies at the restaurant loved our dollar origami, and Jade and I shared a special and lovely afternoon together!


  1. I Jade apsalutly love what my grand ma faith said and hopes that she passes this and the debit.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by you both. My son always scopes out the highest ticket scoring games too! They never seem to be worth what we expect them to be either!

  3. It reminded me of when my children were little and we spent time together doing those sort of things. What a great way to build memories for your granddaughter.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. amy, i jade thank you.We did have a fun time.Today we went to M&M world and the habitat at the flamingo.i hope ur son gets to go to another arcade soon!

  6. sharon,i jade thank you & hope that u will have more fun with ur children .do u have any grandchildren?

  7. Great way to spend a day with Jade. I know it has been difficult to devote much time to her this week but kids love arcades! I am looking forward to taking my granddaughter to Easter Egg hunt at church on Saturday, We went to see the new movie "Rio" on Sunday evening and had nice brunch before. The movie was awesome, maybe you would have time to take Jade before she leaves-It is well worth it one of the best kids movies I have seen lately. I will miss our Chinese lunches with your origami tips.

  8. Sounds like she had a great time.

    I am waiting as long as possible before my kids learn about such arcades or "Chucky Cheese!" For that very reason that the little prizes are nothing compared to the money spent!

  9. It sounds like you enjoyed having Jade around very much. My kids love going to Excalibur as well, but with 3 kids, our money doesn't go a long way. So we just find creative ways to "hang out", like having a contest on who can score the highest in bowling on the Wii. As for Chucky Cheese, it was so nice with our first son because it took him a long time to figure out that the rides that you can sit on actually move. For the longest time, we got away with just letting him sit in it while he played with the steering wheel and made his own driving sounds. Then he discovered what TOKENS were, and that was it. Our life was doomed with each kid after that, because then, they were able to see what happens to the rides when BROTHER put those magical tokens in the machines!

  10. Jade is a lovely young lady and it is wonderful that you had “girl time” with her. I am sure she will visit during the summer and you will be even busier. Grandchildren bring an indescribable joy!

  11. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. How nice that you can spend time with your granddaughter. The kids seem to still love Sponge Bob so I'm sure she loved the photo. It sounds like a great deal of game playing was going on. I am interested in the origami. What have you made?

  12. When my son was small, we used to go to Chucky Cheese for hours. He loved to collect the tickets and was always disappointed by what he could get. He finally matured enough to realize he could save them and let their value build (he could then get better junk).
