Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sharing Favorite Travel Spots

Everyone has a reason for traveling and a favorite spot they have visited. Perhaps you travel to get away, to find yourself, or to experience adventure. You may stay within your home town, or travel across continents and oceans. You may travel alone or with your family. You may stay for a half an hour, a day, a week or longer. Whether you travel light or check in extra luggage, traveling gives you a reason to look for simple treasures, both tangible and intangible. Travel provides an opportunity to explore the world we live in and discover ourselves.

I enjoy travel of any sort, and look forward to the surprises and subtleties that new destinations have to offer. I find that the trips I have taken with family are the most memorable. One of my favorite memories is my trip to Atlantic Beach in North Carolina during the winter months. The shore was almost exclusively ours, as only the hearty souls would weather the cold spray and biting wind. But my husband and I bundled up and walked on the sand, looking for shells, listening to the surf, and feeding the gulls. We watched the sunsets and talked and drank hot chocolate on the balcony of our rented hotel room.

The beach is totally different during the summer, with tourists and the traffic and the noise of the city. I like the beach any time of year. In fact, we had a family reunion at Atlantic Beach the next summer, and I smiled as the grandkids flew kites in the strong breeze, and delighted in seeing the children playing in the waves. We had hamburgers grilled outdoors where we could eat in deck chairs and watch the tide roll in. The whole clan would walk along the pier and watch the fishermen haul in fish and baby sharks and stingray caught with shrimp or cut bait. Young men would throw Frisbees to their dogs and children would build sandcastles. I cherish that vacation, as well as the November my husband and I had the whole ocean to ourselves as we sat wrapped in blankets watching the water and the sky meld into each other as the sun went down.

Do you have a favorite place to visit, and a favorite travel memory?


  1. Faith, I love your site! I'm so jealous and wish I could have been as creative as you. I too, enjoy traveling very much. I have been out of the country a few times and must say that the ultimate vacation location has been Tahiti. My husband and I had first gone there for our honeymoon and returned for our 10 year anniversary. The beaches are breath-taking, there are no words to describe them. Although it's quite expensive to go there, I hope someday we can return for a 3rd time with our children.

  2. Wow great job designing your blog. I love traveling as well and hope that I can start again after finishing this last course. I love the sun and water so my favorite vacation was Jamaica. I do want to go on an Alaskan cruise once though.

  3. Great site! My favorite vacation spot is near Beaufort SC. It is on Ladies Island called Harbor Island. The beach is never crowded and the wildlife is unreal! We use to go every year with my family and some close friends. Now I have continued the tradition with my kids and our close friends.It is a great place to make memories!

  4. Thank you ladies for your much appreciated comments. I notice you all seem to like the ocean also. I have not been to Tahiti, Jamaica or Beaufort SC. But I have been to Hawaii and snorkled in Hanauma bay...unbelieveable. I have also been on an Alaskan cruise...spectacular. I know that I have been very blessed that my husband and I have been able to visit so many great locations. Again, thank you for your contributions.

  5. My favorite trip is a tradition that we began when my daughter was around 7 or 8 years old. We began going to Navajo Lake, located in the mountains above Cedar City, Utah. It became a Memorial Day tradition to stay in a cabin or tent overlooking the lake. Even in the warmest Mays, we would find a patch of snow and take our annual Memorial weekend picture, making snow angels or having a snowball fight. Occasionally, we had to plow our way down the seven mile dirt road or dig our way out. I am by no means a gungho outdoors person . . . if it is cold I have a down sleeping bag, a tent heater, wool socks . . . when it is hot, I have an outdoor shower (I really don't like dirty feet!). Mountain air that you would like to bottle and peace and quiet with family . . . it does not get any better!!

  6. Navajo Lake sounds beautiful! What kind of things can you do around there? We are looking for something to do month of June. We love being outdoors and camping is just our thing, but the cabin sounds good,too. Don't worry Sue, we have an outdoor shower as well....can't go to bed dirty:) Any one in particular to rent the cabin from?

  7. Love your background and subject! I enjoyed visualizing the scenes you painted with your words. Do you teach English?

    Sorry, I posted in wrong place yesterday.

  8. Traveling is my favorite thing to do. So far my favorite trips have been gifts from my partner, who also loves to travel. He's Dutch. We have gone to many places in Europe, but 2 really stand out. He took me to Paris for my 50th birthday. 5 days in April in Paris. The weather was lovely, and the last night, sitting in front of the Arc de Triomphe after a most delicious meal, I cried because it was such a wonderful, romantic vacation. Last year he took me to Portugal for my 56th b-day. It was the most relaxing, charming place I have ever visited. We stayed w/ friends near Lisbon, and visited Porto while we were there too. The food, scenery and people were wonderful.

    Paris, New York and London are my favorite cities.

  9. From the places that you've been to, is there one particular place, you would not want to return to or even recommend going to your friends? I love going on vacations, as well, especially with my family. I'm looking for some ideas for our next vacation.

  10. Carmin:
    I would love to go to Europe. For now, I have to travel there via the travel channel on television. But I am so grateful for even that, as I feel as if that is the next best thing to being there. I am glad that you were able to go, and share your experiences with us. What great times you must have had.
    I think that no matter where you go, if you go with friends or family, you can find something memorable about it. I don't think I have traveled anywhere I would not revisit. However, I have learned that certain places require you to be prepared and avoid obvious pitfalls. For example, Florida in the summer is hot, humid and full of mosquitoes and biting flies if you are out in the woods. But the woods and bayous are serene and stirring. I would visit them in the cooler months.
